A simple guide to building REST API’s in GO

In this post we will build  simple REST API’s using the Go programming language. We will also be using the MUX Router. I will also explain some of the fundamentals of the language for beginners. If you want to learn Go visit awesome-go-in-education. A curated list of resources about Go in Education. If you want to do the same but in Python read A simple guide to creating REST API’s with flask. I will be using Goland from jetbrains as

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A simple guide to creating REST API’s with flask

Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash About a week back I had asked some of my juniors to build a flask app. The result was a mixture of classes and  Resource implementation of flask_restful library. When asked why they made it so complex, he showed me the google search results for – how to build REST API’s using flask. Almost all the tutorials out there are either too in-depth or too difficult for beginners.This post is a beginner friendly tutorial

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Hey, I am Thomas Ashish Cherian. What I cannot create, I do not understand.

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