Project Ideas for Computer Science students

Are you tiered of making library/health/blah management systems for your projects? Are you done with trying to think of ideas? Do you want good projects and ideas to work on? Then fear not. Here’s a list of awesome projects you can work on. Thats it for now I’ll keep updating the list whenever I find better ideas. Work hard.

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Creating a simple API in aws lambda

There has been quite a buzz around serverless computing this year, and amazon has been at the fore front of this buzz. With The AWS Lambda you can deploy your scripts without worrying about the hosting and hosting costs. Cost effectiveness is one of the main plus point of serverless computing. Instead of having a dedicated server just to run a script- Lambda provides resources and bills you for the time your scripts were running. #Build Today we will be

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import pandas as pd

This is a quick introduction to Pandas. pandas is an open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming. Using pandas you can convert your data into an excel like format and the manipulate that data in many ways. The keyword Dataframe is like an excel spreadsheet that has all your data. Watch the following video to get started: Reading Csv’s Reading csv’s is quite simple glassdata = pd.read_csv('glass.csv') Some csv’s are

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Making a Facebook Messenger Bot Using Flask

For this tutorial we will be building a messenger bot using Python, more specifically the Flask framework. This is the third post in our bot series, The previous one’s being Making a Telegram Bot Making a Slack Bot Requirements for this tutorial 1. Python 2. Facebook Page 3. Flask To install Flask, follow the instructions here. Creating Webhooks Picture Credits: Mailchimp A webhook is an URL to which a ping is sent if any activity occurs in the host server.

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Why freshers should attend hackathons

There’s a very common misconception that hackathons are only for hackers. I remember the first time I told my hostel warden that I’ll need a pass to attend a hackathon, his first words were- Can you hack facebook? A hackathon is a place for people to come compete and build products- usually on a given theme within 24 hours or more. Usually hackathons are attended by professionals or 3rd -4th year students. But here are a few reasons why you

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Hey, I am Thomas Ashish Cherian. What I cannot create, I do not understand.

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