Using Google Sheets as a makeshift Database [Depriciated]

Do you want need a quick solution without going into the hassle of setting up a Database? If your answer to any of those questions was a yes, then you’ve come to the right place. This post will show you how you can use Google sheets as your database. For the purposes of this blogpost I will be usiing this Google sheet.  As you can see, we will be collecting the following data from the user – Name, Email

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Making local changes render on codesandbox embeds

Today I came accross codesandbox which is an online editor catered for web applications. It is an opensource effort with all bugs being tracked and handled by the community. The feature I liked the most about codesandbox was its embed feature, that lets you embed code alongside it's rendered version.

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Building a [Smarter] bot with Dialogflow

This post is a followup for Building your first [smart] bot in 10 minutes. Do give it a read before reading this post. In this post we will be building a chatbot that will handle hotel booking. There will be minimal [python] code and it will be hosted on a serverless instance of aws. Things you will learn in this post – Fine tuning your dialogflow intents Using entities Using contexts > Creating Intents You can think of intents as

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Hosting a static website on Heroku – The easy way

Do you want free hosting for your demo website? Do you want to deploy your webapp for free? Then look no further. You can do that and more with Heroku.  Read more to deploy your first static website on Heroku. Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud. Heroku has a genorous free plan allowing students/hobbyist to deploy their apps on the cloud for free. In this

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A simple guide to building REST API’s in GO

In this post we will build  simple REST API’s using the Go programming language. We will also be using the MUX Router. I will also explain some of the fundamentals of the language for beginners. If you want to learn Go visit awesome-go-in-education. A curated list of resources about Go in Education. If you want to do the same but in Python read A simple guide to creating REST API’s with flask. I will be using Goland from jetbrains as

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Hey, I am Thomas Ashish Cherian. What I cannot create, I do not understand.

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