A simple guide to creating REST API’s with flask

Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash About a week back I had asked some of my juniors to build a flask app. The result was a mixture of classes and  Resource implementation of flask_restful library. When asked why they made it so complex, he showed me the google search results for – how to build REST API’s using flask. Almost all the tutorials out there are either too in-depth or too difficult for beginners.This post is a beginner friendly tutorial

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Build2Learn for kids ?

Today I got to visit a codeathon for kids at thinkdiffskool.com. It was a one-week event held in Chennai after which on the last day they conducted a codeathon. I was lucky to be invited by Bhuvana to help out the children with the codeathon. I was completely blown by the wit the enthusiasm these kids showed for making games, apps, and websites. The codeathon started at 10:00 AM and ended at 5:00 PM. Here’s a step by step list

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Building your first [smart] bot in 10 minutes

This is part 1 of a mulipart series on how to build your first chatbot. The complexity of the tutorials will increase with each iteration. Building bots have become quite easy, to a point where you can deploy your first chatbot without any knowledge of coding. In this tutorial, we will be publishing a chatbot on facebook that can answer basic questions about you – Resume Bot. Words you should know Throughout this (series of) blog post(s) I will be

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An introduction to NLP

A summary of all that I have learned while working with random NLP stuff. Picture Credits: http://nlp.cs.tamu.edu/ The what? Natural Language Processing is a field of computer science that deals with artificial intelligence and linguistics. When you tell Cortana/Siri/Google now to set an alarm for tomorrow, you talk to a machine and it understands you. 5 Major uses of NLP 1. Classification Text Analysis Sentiment Analysis 2. Matching Search Dialogue Question Answering 3. Recognition/Translation Machine Translation Speech recognition Handwriting recognition

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Hey, I am Thomas Ashish Cherian. What I cannot create, I do not understand.

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