Intro to Python for Data Science – Datacamp

The second course i took at DataCamp was Intro to Python for Data Science. As you might know by now, the purpose of this website is to train you in data science.

I recommend you to learn python first from- ThinkPython before taking up this course. Doing so will allow you to complete this course in under 30-40 mins.

Anyways, the course in itself is sufficient for begineers.
It takes you through the various data structures, fucntions and packages and other basics of python. At the end it also touches Numpy a bit before giving you the course completion certificate.

But wait! Thats not all

Right after you finish this course you will be offered to do two more courses in Python for which the first chapter is free, but others require you to pay 29$ a month in order to do those courses.
The good thing about these courses is that you can take up as many number of courses as you want in a month for just 29$ and there are many courses to offer both in Python and in R.

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